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Prophetic Word: "Black Thought"

Writer's picture: Frank MickensFrank Mickens

God Understands

The Lord understands the trauma and plight of people of color all over the world.

This dream illuminates the Father's heart for those who feel abandoned, isolated, forgotten, used, and abused.

However, the Lord's desire is for His Fatherly love to heal these wounds.

Please pray with me for the healing of all people who have felt lost and forgotten due to their skin color.

The Lord affirms there has been great sin committed in the name of prejudice, discrimination, and racism.

But He is reiterating the fact that He is the God who heals!!

A Conversation

In this dream from the Lord, I was sitting down and talking to a friend. I had bought two burgers and they were huge, and I had two shakes. Too much food!

As I sat down, I was looking at a stack of bookmarks, and they were referring to a new TV show.

A popular African American music artist had become the host of a new TV show, and he was interviewing celebrities. And the show took place inside a museum in Washington D.C.

This indicated prophetically, that this dream pertains to the entire nation. It's seated in the place of authority because this is a national issue.

The fact that it's happening in a museum, speaks to how this is historically an issue in the United States. In fact, what this dream is dealing with is enthroned and enshrined in the psyche and culture of America.

But! The Lord is here to heal our land!! Amen.

Continuing with the dream, I was a little surprised at the class of the show and the location, considering the host was a hip hop artist and the content of his music was not righteous.

I walked over to sit down and eat my food, and I was going to share this interesting show with my friend.

His name was "Black Thought," and he was a rapper. (I realize there is a real life rapper named Black Thought. He is not the subject of this dream, and was not involved).

Before I could share the show with Black Thought, he stopped me and said, "Why do you talk to me like I’m your son?"

He was offended by an innocent change of conversation I made, in which I became more serious and less playful.

I wanted to respond back to him with anger due to what felt like an accusation.

Instead, I quieted myself and I said, "I’m sorry."

And I told him I didn’t mean to upset him. I told him I just wanted to share something with him that I thought he would find interesting.

And he calmed down.

I noticed in my dream that Black Thought was from Washington D.C., but I also knew by the Spirit that the real-life artist Black Thought is from Philadelphia.

Philadelphia is the "City of Brotherly Love," a prophetic picture of the Body of Christ.

In this dream, Black Though represented, not just some African Americans, he represented many African Americans in the Body of Christ!

This is not a dream to discount, or throw away. The Body of Christ is plagued with an orphan heart that is attacking some of our brothers and sisters. And it is connected to the oppression they have suffered historically.

What we cannot forget, is the Lord tells us, truth sets us free!

"And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."

John 8:32

The Lord intends to illuminate this struggle in the psyche of many of our brothers and sisters, in order to heal!

Ministering Healing From The Father's Heart

After Black Thought calmed down, I told him,

"I’ve been listening to you since the beginning. I just never said anything because I didn’t want to make you feel like I’m just your friend because I’m a fan. I want to truly be your friend, but I don’t want to be your friend because of what you do. I want to be your friend because of who you are."

This is the heart of God!

He listens! He understands! He's never ignored the issues of the heart.

But when He speaks, He speaks to who you are, not what you do.

So many are looking for God to acknowledge what you do. But He's really speaking to who you are.

You are His! And He loves you because you belong to Him!

He doesn't use you or abuse you for your talent. He only wants to know you.

This is good news!

The Healing

Back to the dream, I could tell Black Thought was angry because he was used to people mistreating him.

And I didn’t want him to think I would mistreat him.

It was a sudden shift in him that I witnessed. He was dealing with anger and bitterness and judgment.

What he needed, was a friend to love him just for who he is.

This was the key to his healing.

He needed to receive unconditional love, which can only be received from Jesus.

Friends, the Lord wants to heal you.

Your healing will only come from the love of Jesus. He loves you freely and without restraint, regardless of what you look like!

The Power Of The Influencer

I heard the Lord say the appearance of Black Thought's offense had to do with what He called “the power of the influencer.”

The Lord revealed to me at least a portion of what the African American community have been suffering.

The Lord said to me, many have been sold offense by the people they listen to. They have been sold offense.

The people they respect actually tell them they should be offended.

In this same dream, I was watching a boy playing, as I was sitting down with Black Thought.

And I saw him projecting something on the face of an older man. This boy was maybe in middle school, and he was playfully disrespecting a man who was older than him.

The man was tall, and maybe in his early 20s. And he was being mistreated and bullied by this middle schooler.

What was amazing is he was calmly and patiently taking the abuse. Again, these were African Americans.

And I asked my friend what the boy had projected on the face of the young man. I knew it was insults, and improper jokes about the young man.

These messages were literally being projected on him, and the boy was taunting and mocking him and jumping up and down in his face, and being very disrespectful. But the young man refused to respond. I knew it was hurtful, but the young man didn’t respond outwardly.

The power of the influencer has caused young people to live in disrespect of those who are older of them.

Many of them have lost the respect of the people they actually need to help them grow and mature.

I heard the Lord say, "They have lost their honor for their elders, and they abuse them instead."

This is an area for prayer. The word of God says:

"Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another."

Romans 12:10

"Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to one another, and be clothed with humility, for “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.” Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time."

1 Peter 5:5-6

In Conclusion

This dream speaks directly from the heart of God. And He cares about people who have been traumatized, and that includes people who have been dealt blows in this life due to their skin color.

The Lord is affirming the reality of the suffering. But He is not exalting it.

He understands. But He is not outdone.

God wants to heal you. He will set you free from oppression in your mind and heart that tells you that you should be offended, that you have been victimized, and that you need someone to save you other than Jesus.

As I prayed into this dream, I was led to a scripture that highlights the influence the Lord wants over us and our entire culture.

"And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit."

Ephesians 5:18

The Lord says, He wants us to be under His influence. He is calling everyone, not just African Americans to Himself to be fulfilled and set free.

May the Lord bless you. Please join me in praying for spiritual breakthrough as the Lord loves us, all of us.

God bless you,


1 Comment

Quenne Sloan
Quenne Sloan
Mar 11, 2024

I can identify with the word about Black Thought

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