"...not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bondservants of God."
1 Peter 2:16
As we approach what will most certainly be a white-hot presidential election season, the Lord is speaking about how we should pray, not just for the White House, but for all of our federal level leaders.
The Lord is saying, "It's time for statesmen to arise in this country."
A Prophetic Presidential Proclamation
What the Lord revealed to me came during a prophetic declaration from a former president of the United States. Here's what I saw and heard as I prayed into a dream from the Lord earlier this month.
In this dream, I was president of the United States. In fact, I was former President Barack Obama.
This is interesting on a lot of levels, mainly because I am not a democrat (or republican). He was choosing to use President Obama as a mouthpiece to show the great need for repentance an honor between parties and among our leaders at the highest level of government.
God making a poignant point! We are to honor all men! All presidents! All leaders! More on that later.
Again, in this dream, I was Barack Obama, and I was preparing to make a national address. I was standing on a platform and before me were sitting federal elected leaders - members of Congress, the Supreme Court, and former presidents. It was much like the atmosphere for the nationally televised annual presidential address we all have watched before, the State of the Union. From the platform I began to speak and I said,
“I could stand up here and say 'I told you so,' but I won’t. Because you could have told me so too!”
When I said this, I was speaking directly to former President George H.W. Bush, who was sitting in the room. Also, as I said this, I began to weep and I went on to say,
“We need to pray for politics in this country. We need to pray for politics in this country.”
As I continued to weep, and after I hugged the elder President Bush, I gave him a fist bump (like President Obama was known to do). Then, I looked to another former President and gave him a fist bump, and I spoke again,
“It’s time for the statesmen to arise in this country. It’s time for the statesmen to arise in this country!”
It was at that moment, I began to see children in the audience and many of them had their hands raised in worship.
The words I was speaking over them was prophecy and prayer. I was declaring the Word of the Lord over the nation. I was declaring the Lord's heart over America. I was weeping the Lord's tears over America due to the issues that break His heart.
Any time the Lord says something twice, it's significant and it speaks to the urgency, the impending manifestation, and the certainty of a thing. When God speaks twice, he is emphasizing His power will be made manifest regarding a situation. He is emphasizing where He is putting His attention and providing grace.
"God has spoken once, Twice I have heard this: That power belongs to God." [Psalm 62:11]
The Lord is making it plain:
He wants us praying for politics in our nation.
He wants statesmen to arise in our nation.
And He will make sure both the method and the manifestation come to pass by His power.
What Is a Statesman?
It would be wise for us to understand more deeply, what the Lord is asking us to pray for. So, what exactly is a statesman?
Merriam-Webster's online dictionary defines the term "statesman" this way:
1: one versed in the principles or art of government
especially: one actively engaged in conducting the business of a government or in shaping its policies
2: a wise, skillful, and respected political leader
So, we know when the word "statesman" is commonly used, it denotes a person of:
I believe the Lord is making it clear, He wants our political leaders to build their governmental principles on faith and worship. Remember the children? I believe the Lord is calling our federal leaders to live from a posture of worship and to depend on the Lord with faith as a little child.
"Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." [Matthew 18:4]
There is also a generational angle to this dream. The Lord wants us to pray for worship in politics at the highest level, for the good of our children! And our children's children!
The dynamic in this dream between President Obama and President George H.W. Bush is what we typically DO NOT see in Washington. Obama was acknowledging his humanity and the fact there is no point in pointing fingers. What he was exhibiting in this prophetic dream is HONOR. The Lord desires honor, that is built on a foundation of faith and love to fill the halls of our highest levels of government.
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people He has chosen as His own inheritance." [Psalm 33:12]
Prophetic Prayer Points
I sought the Lord in prayer, asking Him for insight on how we should pray. What is the Word of the Lord in scripture that we can utilize to focus our prayers for our political leaders and usher in a new era of statesmanship?
"For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men -- as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bondservants of God. Honor all [people.] Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king." [1 Peter 2:15-17]
This is where the Lord led me in prayer as I sought Him for biblical foundations upon which we can seek Him.
From this passage, our elder brother Apostle Peter speaks about several elements of Godly citizenship. These characteristics are similar to what we see in the definition of a statesman. However, these are the characteristics in the person of Jesus Christ, we need to pray the Holy Spirit will endow upon our federal political representatives. We need to pray for leaders who are filled with:
Furthermore, here is what the Lord has shared with me about how we can pray, specifically for our nation's politics and for the emergence of God-fearing statesmen:
We need to pray for good men and women, people of honor to fill our Congress, Supreme Court, and the Oval Office (including staffers).
We need to pray our leaders won’t use their liberty for "a cloak" for their vices --- filthy lucre, corruption, selfishness, and vengeance.
We need to pray for honor and love and the fear of the Lord to fill our halls of justice and legislation.
We need to pray for the righteous to seek office and to walk in their righteousness.
The Lord wanted me to make sure I shared with you that there is another spirit operating in our federal government.
Darkness is seeking to reign in our nation, and it's taking root in our leadership!
Closing Thoughts...
I pray this Word takes you to another level of intercession for our nation. I'd like to close with some short thoughts that came to me in prayer over this.
We don’t need to just honor our leaders. We need to pray for honorable leaders! Pray for their hearts to bow to the Lord. Intercede for our leaders to come to God and to serve God!
Prophesy to the seat of power that it will serve as a mercy seat that the Lord can sit on.
Pray for the Spirit of the Lord to have full reign and rule in Washington!
Help me pray for Christians to pray for their government instead of criticize their governors.
May God bless you. And thank you for praying!
In Him alone,
