So That You Will Believe
“And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe."
John 14:29 NKJV
Okay. So, I'm going to try something I haven't done before. I'm going to do a prophetic year in review as we are at the doorstep of another year, and I thought long and hard about this, and I really truly believe the Lord wants us to hear Him as we look back. One of the things Jesus said that I want to emphasize in this coming year as I present the word of the Lord, Jesus said, I have told you these things ahead of time so that you will believe (John 14:29). So, in there is a mystery God has uncovered and uncapped, and its prophecy is to improve our faith.
It's to improve our walk, of course. It is to grow us up in faith, so Jesus will speak something by the Holy Spirit through a prophetic voice of whoever it is, and it will be impossible, right? It'll be something that doesn't seem possible, but it will come to pass, and then through that, we will believe. We will entrust ourselves more and more to Jesus. In the Greek, when we look in the New Testament, that original word that we translate as believe actually means more than just to think of as true.
It also means to entrust, so Jesus' desire is for you to trust Him, put your life in His hands, for you to entrust your entire being into His hands, and so He will release prophetic words so that they will come to pass, and it will grow our faith. So, what I'm going to do is actually help grow your faith right now by looking back at what the Lord has said into my heart in 2024 and how it came to pass. So, I'm going to literally go through our website,, and I'm going to begin, in December and go through a few things just to say, oh, wow. See what the Lord said and how it came to pass. We're just going to do a little bit of a survey, not every single thing that the Lord, spoken to this ministry, but a few things because I want you to see how God has come, and He has done what He said He would do.
"I Want My Bride To Be Ready"
The first thing I want to bring up is, in December of last year, I released a word, and the Spirit of God had spoken this into my spirit, and it was very clear. He said, I want my bride to be ready. Ready for what? For his return. In the scriptures, it says the Spirit and the bride say, come.
So, I'm starting with that to lay a foundation. Jesus' desire is for all of us to be ready to have our lamps full of oil. How does oil get produced? We know olive oil is produced by the crushing of olives. There's the first press.
Right? That's the extra virgin. Then there's the second press. That's the virgin, and then there can be a 3rd press. You could press it as long as you want, and there there's going to be oil until the oil runs out.
My point is that God will allow you to endure some things, to be refined, to be pressured, to go through things that are hard so that you can increase in your oil. What is oil? The anointing, the presence of the Lord. Your level of surrender is directly connected to the amount of oil in your life, and so God presses us. He brings us. He bows us down and brings us to a point of surrender so that we can have more of him. Amen?
A Collision Of Kingdoms
So, let's continue on with what was the main, prophetic word that I gave regarding 2024, and it was simply a collision of kingdoms. And I went from 2 Chronicles chapter 20 and verse 24, and I'm not going to get into the scripture right now, but it basically is where these three kingdoms were gathering against Israel, and it was, I believe, Jehoshaphat who got the word of the Lord. And he heard God say that in spite of all these kingdoms coming against him, that they would triumph through their worship their worship, and they did triumph.
In verse 24, it says that none of their enemies escaped. None of their enemies escaped. This is when Judah was under attack by 3 kingdoms, and so I prophesied that there's a lot going on, that we're going to see kingdoms coming against Israel. And so, at the beginning of 2024, we didn't have the Houthis as much as we had Hamas and Hezbollah going against Israel, but now they are actually up against, in Israel, 3 kingdoms, the Houthis, the, the Hezbollah terrorist group, and Hamas. Amen.
And so, we have seen this great collision. I prophesied that the collision would be intense. I also prophesied that the state of Israel would be an Israel we had never seen and that it would be an Israel, that will never go back to what it used to be. We are seeing Israel in such an intense warfare against their enemies because they are seeking a victory that is sure, and it's been very unpopular. And I'm not going to say I'm on anyone's side, but it is a prophetic word I released that this was going to happen.
I spoke into the global wilderness that we were all being brought into and had already been in a global wilderness. A wilderness is where we learn the presence of the Lord. It's where the Lord strips a lot of things. It's where the Lord creates and allows things that are very difficult. And I talked about a shift in the spirit realm.
So, what we're seeing is even in the political, we had these collisions, right, Republicans and Democrats during the presidential election. And there was a season of time where, Joe Biden, it appeared, was going to run for president. And we saw something unprecedented when he stepped aside, and then Kamala Harris became the Democratic, nominee without even having to go through a primary. The this this collision of kingdoms, these kingdoms were gathering and preparing to come against one another, and it was an unusual time. There was a shift.
Something that had never been done before is now going to be looking like it's more normal in the future that a presidential candidate, for instance, can actually come about without having one vote cast for them in the primary season. This is actually something that happened, and I prophesied that we should not fear. So, what happens particularly in America when we have the presidential election is people start getting afraid that somebody, if they get elected, that this is going to happen. If somebody else gets elected, this is going to happen. And it just we really don't know it a lot of times, but we're really giving into our fear.
But the spirit of God says, no. No. No. This is what I'm doing. I'm intensifying warfare in these different kingdoms, right, these different spheres, the political sphere.
Amen. We see it in great measure. We're seeing it in in wars in Ukraine and Russia. We have seen, political regimes toppled this year. And so, in Syria, for instance, in such a very sudden way, we saw rebels overthrow the government, of President Assad, who had been in that regime and ruling and acting as a dictator for decades and his father the same way.
And this thing came down because these kingdoms in the spirit and in the natural are colliding. And I want to say this one last thing about that word that I released, and it's on our website. I heard the Lord say, "Mary is pregnant." So, we are the bride of Christ. God wants you to understand that in in the midst of all the warfare, in the midst of all the intensity, that we as the church still are bearing about the dying of the Lord Jesus, and we are bearing about the life that is in Christ. And so, as a result of labor, amen, as a result of an intense, trial in a wilderness season, in times where things are getting more expensive, you know, it's just a very intense time. We've got arguments and debates over what books should be allowed in our schools. We've got, debates over what should be in our water. I mean, there's so many wars going on, but it's all, it's all meant to bring us to a surrender to Christ that we cannot trust in this world.
This world hates us, and we need to surrender to Christ. So, there's something in you. God's going to pull out. It's spiritual, and it's going to be as a result of these things that are happening around us. Now 2024 is almost over, but the intensity is not going to end.
2025 is going to be great. I got a great word about grace, for 2025, but that's going to be a different post. Also, in 2024, I talked about how god wanted us to begin to hear him better and how He was building a nest for us to come. These were 2 different prophetic words, and God was really and still is really trying to get you to come closer. He's trying to get you to come, in this wilderness season out of the world and into his bosom.
Gotcha Journalism & False Witness
I talked about gotcha journalism was going to, continue to arise, and false witness was going to continue to arise. We saw this throughout the presidential season. We saw this even in our state of North Carolina in the gubernatorial race and how there was journalism that came about.
It wasn't even an October surprise in the presidential election. It was more of an October surprise in a swing state, amen, where the gubernatorial candidate for the Republicans, had this extraordinary, revelation produced in the media, and it turned the tide in a major way, that was going to probably be a closer election, but it did not turn out to be that way. Now gotcha journalism is where, people are trying to catch you doing something. These things are going to be happening, more and more and more. They don't stop just because we're heading into 2025.
Protect The Church
I released a prophetic word about protecting the church, that church leaders need to have a strategy and a plan to protect their church buildings when you're having worship services or even when you're not even there. I saw in the spirit how the enemy was scheming against the church. We saw that in, Joel Osteen's church. We saw that where this gunman literally came in and shot up the church. And so, I want, church leaders to understand that God is speaking into these things.
What Are Your Kids Listening To?
What else did I say? I talked about how the Lord's heart was very concerned for what our kids are listening to and what they are watching. Please be careful. God wants you to have more insight and influence over what your kids are adopting in the media. One of the big, I guess, obvious words I released that was not necessarily popular, I released it on March 6th, and it was entitled Why Donald Trump Will Win.
March 2024 Prophecy: This Is Why Trump Will Win
And I prophesied, even though it's not popular in the political realm, I prophesied Donald Trump was going to win, and I made a very, very strong statement. I said this is not an endorsement of Donald Trump. And if you look at that post, I'm going to pull it up here. I'm going to read a couple of things. You'll see why I said that.
The Lord gave me two main reasons Donald Trump won the election. Now he told me this in March. Of course, the election wasn't until November, and I released his word. Reason number 1, the Lord told me that Donald Trump won because people have put their faith in man and not God. There are people who idolize Donald Trump.
He is an idol to many, and so God has literally given us over to what we want. It's almost like what happened. It is very akin to what happened with Saul. When God instituted a judge system where Samuel would judge the people, he would lead the people. He was not their king, but the people asked for a king.
In the same way, America, particularly many of those, not everyone who vote for Donald Trump, they want a king. They want someone who will rule over the nation instead of being more of a Democrat. And I'm not saying that from a political party standpoint but saying we're in a democracy where we have a representative democracy, and we have people who are elected to represent the people as opposed to having a kingship, but people want a king. The second reason I'm going to repeat that. The first reason the Lord told me Donald Trump was going to win is because people have put their faith in man, not God.
Secondly, the Lord said that Donald Trump will win because the Lord is giving us over to our carnal desires, which I just touched on. And so, I released this word. It was not to say Donald Trump's platform is perfect. It's not to say the Republicans are God's party. I don't believe that.
I don't. I believe the whole political system is demonic. I believe it's inspired by money, and anything that starts in the kingdom of money or the kingdom of mammon, you cannot serve that master and still serve God. And so, it is a perverted system, so I don't get into that.
Sudden Birth
One of the more popular words that that I released, and I released it in 2 parts, was when the Lord showed me this dream where there was a sudden birth, and I spoke into people's spirit.
I said, God's going to do something suddenly in your life, and it's not going to be because of anything you're doing. You've been literally carrying this thing just like a woman carries a baby, and the lord showed me the spontaneous birth that the mother wasn't even expecting the birth to come. And I prophesied that, and it's still 2024. Maybe there's something coming for you still that is a sudden birthing of something God's doing in your life that you cannot explain. One other thing I talked about is the prophetic word regarding how people were not listening to prophecy.
Is Anyone Listening?
You know, I released a prophetic word about God's heart for us to be one and speaking the same thing, but we're getting caught up in the political stuff and the drama and all of the fighting. And the Lord's heart is breaking and grieving over this because his desire is that we would have the same heart and speak the same thing. But in the dream from the Lord, the Lord showed me that people were not listening. God people are not listening to God, and they wanted to fight. I spoke a prophetic word in March about Sean Combs, and I asked people to pray for him because the Lord had shown me and has shown me since that prophetic word, more about how we need to pray for him to be humble because he's going to fight and pretend, he did nothing wrong, and so I released that prophetic word.
Night School
My goodness. What else did I prophesy so much? One of the last things I prophesied was a word from the Lord called "Night School." I released this word in July. And in this dream, I walked into a university setting, and it was a night school and everyone's sitting there, and it was the Lord teaching. And I wanted to encourage people to understand that in in times where we're in the valley of the shadow of death, in times where it feels like we're in darkness, it's where the Lord actually chooses to set a table before us. He teaches us Himself. He teaches us His goodness.
The table is where they put the showbread in the temple and the tabernacle. It's where the Word of the Lord, the fresh word, amen, somebody, the Bread of Life was put and served and put on display, and the priest would eat of it. And you being a priest and a king in the kingdom of God, you are to receive revelation of Jesus day by day by day. And so, when you're in this night school environment, you're actually learning the heart of the Lord. And so, I want to encourage you.
Even if you look at the temple and where the Ark of the Covenant was, it was dark. There was no light there. God used to show up in o in the Old Testament in a cloud. Praise God. He showed up shrouded.
He's a mysterious God. And so there are things the Bible says, I will give you the treasures of darkness. These are things that you get in darkness. You get treasure. Glory to God.
I believe that's one of the scriptures that I had in that word, and so I just want to encourage you. I want to end here. I'm going to pray for you that you receive this word.
The Bible says in Isaiah 45:3,
"I will give you the treasures of darkness, come on, and hidden riches in secret places..."
Isaiah 45:3 NKJV
The Holy of Holies, the place where we're close, the place we're drawing near, the place where it's all about him. I just want to behold you. I don't want anything else. I'm not asking for anything. I just need, want, and want to be with you in intimacy.
He's going to give you an intimacy with Him. He's going to reveal Himself in night school, and the Bible says, "that you may know that I, the Lord, who call you by your name am the God of Israel." The point of you being in the dark is for you to know God better.
My Prayer
I'm going to pray for you right now that you receive this word: Father, in the name of Jesus, I declare now over your daughter and your son and your brother and sister Jesus, that they receive this word, that you're giving them treasures of darkness in 2024.
And, God, in 2025, you're bringing great grace. I can't wait to release this word, but, God, I declare grace for grace for your people. Glory to the lord. And we pray that of your fullness, we will receive. Glory to God.
I ask now, Lord, that the faith that is in them will rise and increase so that they will allow the fresh oil that comes through the pressing to come forth. May they say, not my will, but your will be done. Let it be unto me as you have spoken. In the name of Jesus. Amen.
May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord's face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May He lift his countenance upon you and give you peace. Until we see each other again, I pray God's blessing overtakes you.
